How to Break Through Your Fear of Failure

How to Break Through Your Fear of Failure

Failure is inevitable. It’s going to happen. And it’s probably more common than you think. If you haven’t experienced some form of failure in your life, you probably haven’t stepped too far outside of your comfort zone.

Since failure is something that happens to everyone at some point, you may find some degree of comfort knowing you’re not alone. But if failure is so common, why does it feel so big? Why is failure so hard to accept? Well, maybe it’s not so much the failure itself, but the fear of it. Maybe it’s so difficult because of all of the emotions associated with it.

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Why Successful People All Embrace Failure

Why Successful People All Embrace Failure

What do successful people all have in common? Money? Fame? Fantastic lifestyles? Maybe! But one thing that really sets them apart from everybody else is failure. That’s right! Successful people embrace failure as a way to succeed.

It might seem counter-intuitive to think failure can aid in the path to success, but when you hear the reasons why successful people find failure to be helpful, you might start to rethink how you view failure in general.

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How to Bounce Back from Hard Times

How to Bounce Back from Hard Times

Life is full of challenges. Not everything we attempt or wish for will materialize the way we’d hoped. But seeing failure and adversity as part of the process can help put things into perspective.

Business woman Arianna Huffington said,

“We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – – understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.”

Being resilient is not necessarily something you’re born with, but you CAN learn it. Even if you didn’t have the environment or opportunity to build skills of resilience as a child, it’s not too late.

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